Memory Reviver: Supporting Photo-Collection Reminiscence for People with Visual Impairment via a Proactive Chatbot

Shuchang Xu, Chang Chen, Zichen Liu, Xiaofu Jin, Lin-Ping Yuan, Yukang Yan, Huamin Qu.
Published at UIST 2024
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Reminiscing with photo collections offers significant psychological benefits but poses challenges for people with visual impairment (PVI). Their current reliance on sighted help restricts the flexibility of this activity. In response, we explored using a chatbot in a preliminary study. We identified two primary challenges that hinder effective reminiscence with a chatbot: the scattering of information and a lack of proactive guidance. To address these limitations, we present Memory Reviver, a proactive chatbot that helps PVI reminisce with a photo collection through natural language communication. Memory Reviver incorporates two novel features: (1) a Memory Tree, which uses a hierarchical structure to organize the information in a photo collection; and (2) a Proactive Strategy, which actively delivers information to users at proper conversation rounds. Evaluation with twelve PVI demonstrated that Memory Reviver effectively facilitated engaging reminiscence, enhanced understanding of photo collections, and delivered natural conversational experiences. Based on our findings, we distill implications for supporting photo reminiscence and designing chatbots for PVI.



@inproceedings{xu2024memory, title={Memory Reviver: Supporting Photo-Collection Reminiscence for People with Visual Impairment via a Proactive Chatbot}, author={Xu, Shuchang and Chen, Chang and Liu, Zichen and Jin, Xiaofu and Yuan, Lin-Ping and Yan, Yukang and Qu, Huamin}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology}, pages={1--17}, year={2024} }